Friday, February 7, 2014

First Friday

Today was quite a busy day for us. I had my orthodontist appointment first thing in the morning. Still no date on when I get these suckers off, but it's getting close...I can feel it! He showed me my impressions before I got my braces on, and the difference is astounding! All that pain and aggravation was totally worth it! I still have a cut on the inside of my lip from where the boy decided he wanted to Hulk Hogan me in the face...with his face. It's healing, but I'm a bit gun shy around him now.

Then I rushed home to shower and get myself and the kiddos ready for 1st Friday Mass. I was really nervous as I've not brought the rugrats to Mass by myself before. I sit down in the pews with the boy, and the husband sits in the old choir loft with the girl. She's so wiggly and can't whisper without yelling so the choir loft is perfect for her.
The boy was fantastic! He nursed a little and dozed off with some jiggling. The girl was pretty darn good as well. I'm proud of her. She kept wanting to show the boy sitting beside her the picture she drew and wanted to make friends with him. She doesn't quite get it that Mass isn't the time to make friends lol. Some random times she was ripping paper or bouncing on the pew..being a typical 4 year old. It happens. I was expecting drama-pocalypse so this was a pleasant surprise. Perhaps the children are better when the husband is not present? A thought to ponder...

A few months ago I joined a Catholic homeschooling group on Facebook. A woman messaged me informing me that she was fairly close to us and that there's a group of Catholic homeschooling moms in my area. The wonder! I could use some good role models in that area so I was pretty stoked. And nervous.
We arrived at the house (after having to turn around numerous times and following Map Quest's directions that took me the back way) and it was a gorgeous house. They let us in (yay!) and the house/yard was filled children with the moms in the kitchen. I was a little out of my element since I knew no one there and I'm such a newbie with the whole Catholic thing. I don't make friends easily and it's even harder for me to keep friends. I'm the classic introvert that longs to be an extrovert. I'm not shy around people I know really well.
The women were very welcoming and nice. It was nice to hear them talk even though I didn't have much to contribute.

The children! My goodness, the children. They were wonderful, absolutely wonderful. All these kids from different families just playing together and having fun. They were all so unique, individual....and SMART! Several children came up to me just to talk. I was so impressed with how they carry themselves. All the different ages were talking, sitting, and playing together. As soon as we walked in, an older girl grabbed my girl's hand and wanted her to play. There were always big boys/girls around to help the littles out.

Over the course of the day, the girl learned how to shoot a bow and arrow. She is now obsessed and the hubby and I are trying to think of a way she can earn one. The hubby suggested having her go through her toys and getting the ones she wanted to throw out or donate. I'm thinking I need someone to clean my van lol.
About 30 minutes before we were going to leave, the girl discovered SECRET PASSAGES in the house! This was the thrill of a lifetime! Her and another boy (ironically the one she sat beside during Mass) ran through the little doors (storage areas). They were so cute, like little hamsters.

We had a wonderful time. I wish I hadn't been as quiet. I hope no one didn't think I don't like them or anything. I'm just awkward like that. Sigh.

We didn't really do school today, but after I reflect...I realize that we did:
*We went to Mass
*We played
*We just finished our cursive "a's" after dinner (meatless by the way, go me!)
*We read our scripture verse (or several)

If you would like an idea for a FREE St. Valentine's Day craft, we did this:
Ours didn't turn out as cool, but I like it. I'll have more St. Valentine's Day crafts for Saint Valentine's Feast Day. The girl is stoked about it.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


I went ahead and deleted my old blog. Hopefully I can actually keep up with updating as it holds me accountable. :)

A little about me:
I'm Ashley. I'm 26 years old. I married my soul mate, Dan, in 2008 and we have 2 children. Audrey (Audi...yes, like the European car) is a whirlwind of 4 years old. Some days we get along better than others, but we're learning! David was born October of last year. He's my funny, little guy...such a Mama's boy! We also have a feisty cat, Fiona, and a wimpy dog, Milli (short for Milli Vanilli).

I lost my mother on May 2, 2012. It was really hard on me and still is. I don't have support from family, but luckily Dan's family has loved and accepted me as blood. I love them so much, and they mean the world to me.
Not many people know this about me, but I didn't believe in God before my mom died. Two days after she was found, I had an experience that changed my life. Now my conversion to Catholicism is coming to completion this Easter. (I write more about this later.)

I am a homeschooling mom. I am a stay at home mom. I am a student. I am a wife. I am many, many things and I will use this blog for various aspects of my life.
I hope you enjoy reading my blog and getting to know me.